
Recommendations is a module that allows you to insert a row of recommendations on any page on your website. These recommendations are based on product information/attributes used to find similar products or products based on a fixed set of criteria, and they will be clickable to direct the customer to the product detail page.


Get started with Recommendations

When you go to the module Recommendations you can:


Add new recommender container

A container is a block where the products (recommendations) end up. The advantage of a container is that you only have to place it on the website once. If you want to adjust the recommended products within the container, you can do this within Activate Search, without having to make adjustments on the website. The number of containers is based on the number of places on the website where you want to show a recommendation block. For example, on the homepage, in the shopping cart and on product pages.

Click on Add new recommender container to start with a container. A screen with settings will show up at the right:

Container settings.png

New recommender container

  • Name: give the recommendation container a descriptive name, like Homepage or Product page.
  • Number of results: this is the number of results you would like to have in your carousel. Not the number you wan to show per page!
  • Fallback: tell Spotler Activate Search what you would like to show when no matching Recommenders are scheduled

Fields to be included in the carousel

Select the fields you would like to show in the carousel:

  • Title
  • Description
  • Image
  • Price
  • Normal price

Custom fields to be included in the carousel

Here you van assign the custom fields that should be included and toggle on or off these settings:

  • Add title of the Recommender to the top of the carousel:
    Optional to use, like Recommended for you! or Spring sale (scheduled)
  • Show the currency symbol in the prices displayed:
    A switch that allows to either show or not show the currency symbol in the prices.
  • On click open product in new tab:
    Default disabled option. Please note: please test this after enabling. This does not work in every browser, for example Safari.

User experience

The number of pixels per product to keep your container responsive. Auto slide means whether the products move automatically or you have to click them yourself. 
User experience.png

The last step is click on Save. Now you have a container to add to your website.

How to add Recommendations to your store?

Add new recommender

Click on Add new recommender to start with a recommender container. A screen with settings will show up at the right:

Recommender settings.png

New recommender for Latest Products

  • Name: give the recommender a descriptive name like Christmas products or Cross sell.
  • Order results by:
    • closest match: the most relevant products will be shown from left to right.
    • random: order them completely random, different every time.
    • attribute value: based on the product feed for example a match with a category.
  • Set date: scheduling is done by setting a start and/or end date for a recommender. By default, Search will only use active Recommendations.

    Ordering recommenders

    When two recommenders are scheduled for the same period, the one configured higher in the container will be shown. It is advised to have a fallback recommender scheduled with no dates at the bottom of your list.

Spotler Activate Search offers 4 types of Recommendations:

The Product-Based Recommender - Match attributes (paid)

This is the Recommender you want to use on your Product Detail Page. Feed it with a product and it will find products with similar attributes and information (based on the text). You decide what fields to use to base the similarity on. Pick the fields, add as many as you like.Match attributesz.png

Product ID needed in the HTML-tag

In order to base results on a product, Sooqr Recommender expects a product ID in the HTML-tag you added to the site.
Make sure to add data-sqr-product-id="<PRODUCT ID>" to you HTML-tag.

Below is an example of the implementation of a Product based recommender:

<script type="text/javascript">
(function() {
//Create the ins tag
var ws = document.createElement('ins');
//Set variable for the product ID that matches the ID set in the MySooqr basic fields
var sqrProductID = document.getElementsByName('product')[0].value;
//Set uuid of the recommender container
//Set the product ID
ws.setAttribute('data-sqr-product-id', sqrProductID)
//Set class
//Place the recommender in the related-products-slider container
var s = document.getElementsByClassName('related-products-slider')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ws, s);

The Attribute-Based Recommender - Filter Products (paid)

If you want to select certain products based on any attribute: pick the Filter products Recommender. Combine multiple conditions for a highly effective carousel.

Filter products.pngPer condition add the following information:

  • Include/exclude: Based on this condition, would you like to include or exclude products?
  • Field: pick the attribute you want to base this condition on
  • Constraint: depending on the type of field
    - text: contains, starts with, ends with, is exactly
    - number: is between, higher than, lower than, exactly and add the text.

Filter products based on event

This is the Recommender you want to use on your Product Detail Page. Feed it with a product ID and it will find similar products (based on text). You decide what attributes to use to base the similarity on.

The Manual Recommender - Manual product pins (free)

If you know exactly what products you want to show, you can use the Manual product pin. Manually pick the products you want to show and add them to the carousel. Feel free to click and drag them to the right place. 

Manual product pins.png

Manage recommender container and recommenders

After you created a Recommender container and recommenders you can manage these.

Manage recommender container and recommenders.png

Manage recommender container

Click on Options to manage the container:

Manage recommender

You can easily drag and drop recommenders inside a container to position the recommender. The first recommender is always the one that will be shown in the container on the website. It is marked with the Active label. Besides that you see at the right different options:

Options recommender.png

  • Edit
  • Analytics
  • Copy
  • Delete