The Personalisation Boosts module allows users to enhance search results by personalising them based on contact preferences stored in Spotler Activate. Users can configure factors like favourite brands or categories to optimise the search experience. This module becomes available after support enables the necessary integration.
Example personalized search result
A user submits a query on a pet shop website, such as dog food. If the personalisation boost factor is set to 0, search results remain unaffected by user preferences. But, dog food is divided into two main categories: wet food and dry food, each featuring multiple brands. If the user is recognized By Spotler Activate and the personalisation boosts factor is set maximum, their preferences—such as a primary liking for dry food from Prince and Royal Canin—can influence the search ranking to deliver more personalized results.
On this page you have the following options:
Enable Personalisation Boosts
If this module is not visible, it means it has not yet been enabled by support. Once support sets up the required integration, the module will appear in the left menu bar. This cannot be done by users themselves and must be requested from Spotler Activate Search support.
Make sure you connect with Spotler Activate first
You must have a working connection with Spotler Activate. This can be enabled from your Spotler Activate account. Connecting Activate and Activate Search provides personalised site search functionality.
With this connection, you can personalise the displayed search results based on contact information known in Spotler Activate, such as preferences for favourite brands or categories.
Ask Spotler Activate Search support to enable the module
Support will handle this setup for you. Provide the following if necessary. Support usually manages these items, but you can share preferences or additional information:
An Activate 360-degree profile populated with three favourite brands and three favourite categories. The cookie of this profile will be used during setup. These values are stored in the Other Fields section of the 360-degree profile. Example:
If you wish to store preferences other than Brand or Category, create a custom product field in Activate. More details can be found in the documentation here. All data is supplied by Activate, while Activate Search acts as the receiver. Start in Activate if you need to modify preference data.
Ensure these values are also included in your data feed, so Activate Search knows which products match the preferences. These values typically appear in the feed under <category> and <brand>. Ensure the categories uploaded in Spotler Activate match those in Spotler Activate Search to align favourite preferences with products.
We need to create API credentials in Spotler Activate specifically for this purpose. See the API information here. Support will do this for you because the credentials will only be shown once.
Configure Personalisation Boosts
The module offers two primary configuration options:
Personalisation Boost Factor
Depending on the boost level the preferred categories and brands will be used to do the search. This will influence the ranking of the found products. By putting the Personalisation boost factor higher the influence on ranking will be bigger. The first slider, Personalisation Boost Factor, allows you to adjust the degree of personalisation in search results. Moving the slider to Zero disables personalisation, while moving it to Maximum fully enables it.
Favorite Product Attributes
Next to the ‘global’ influence of personalisation boost factor on the search ranking, you can also do extra boosting on specific product attributes and there top values. This is the second option, a toggle for Favorite Product Attributes.
Brand and Category are the attributes and in the example Prince and Royal canin are values of the Brand. Dry food and Wet food are examples of values of a category. So boosting from the example the brand more than the category will result in higher ranking of products of the brand 'Prince'.
If you configured custom fields, they will be added at the bottom:
For each attribute, you will see sliders for First, Second, and Third preferences. This refer to #1, #2 and #3 in the Spotler Activate 360-degree profile > other Fields of the contact:
The sliders range from Zero to Maximum, letting you configure the importance of each preference individually. For instance:
- Boost all favorite categories equally.
- Prioritize the first favorite category to appear at the top of search results.
Adjust these settings according to your requirements to achieve the desired balance in search result personalisation.