How can I change the layout of the search results?

Your search bar and results are based on a template. We have three types of templates:

Standard template ⭐

Template standaard.png

The standard template is available by default in your account. You can customize it in the advanced settings under user experience. Read more about the configuration options within this template.

Branded template ⭐⭐

Template branded.png

The branded template is a paid service where Spotler’s HTML specialists create a template that reflects your branding. After submitting your briefing, Spotler takes care of the rest.

Custom template ⭐⭐⭐

Template custom.png

The custom template provides a fully tailored solution where you can request specific features in your briefing.

Interested in our template services?

If you'd like to use Spotler's template services, please contact us at and share your requirements. You'll receive a free, no-obligation quote.