Banner clicks

Spotler Activate Search keeps track of your banner clicks. This information is crucial to optimize your search and boost your conversion. You can easily keep track of your banner clicks under the module Analytics > Banner clicks.

Banner clicks.png

This page shows every Search banner click. These can be filtered on a specific date and exported to use them for further improvement of the search results.

For this, we have the following elements:

Date range selection

Select a date range to set the overall statistics to the specified dates. You can also highlight a specific day with your mouse, to see the amount of clicks for that day.
Date range.png

Banner clicks table

The banner clicks graphic shows how often an item has been banner clicked on. The amount shown is the total registered from the period selected in the date range selection.

Export CSV

The CSV file will contain product clicks for the predefined period. You can find the option CSV Export at the bottom of the page.

Export CSV.png