Did it happen to you that you added a new product to your website, but Spotler Activate Search didn't show it in its search results?
Step 1 Refresh your Data Feed
Make sure you refreshed the feed in Data > Data Feeds.
Step 2 Check the CRON
If step 1 isn't fixing the issue, then it could be that your CRON didn't update the XML data feed yet.
The CRON is a program that automatically updates the data feed with items from your shop.
This data feed is then sent to Activate Search, which is how Activate Search knows what products your shop contains. This means that if the CRON didn't refresh your data feed, Sooqr has no way of knowing about the new article you added to the shop.
Please check with your webmaster / developer if the CRON for your shop is running as intended. If this is the case, and you're still not seeing your newly added products after refreshing the feed in in Spotler Activate Search, please contact us.