Synonyms are key in onsite search. Some visitors will search for different words than you might think of. Synonyms are used to match words that are not among the existing words in your index to make sure your visitors always find what they’re looking for, thus great for increasing your conversion. In the Dashboard or the Analytics module, you can find Queries without Results. This is useful information for adding synonyms in Spotler Activate Search.
Adding new word in index
Once you have identified queries your visitors are searching for but aren’t finding results for, go to Synonyms in the Site Search module to add them as synonyms.
First, you enter the word from your index you want to add synonyms for. Click in the grey field below Add Word in Index and fill in the word. In the example below, we use Hoodie to add synonyms for. Click on the yellow '+ button' to add this word to the overview.
Adding new synonyms
Once the word is added to the overview, you can add synonyms to it. To do so, enter the synonym in the white field below Add Synonym, and click on '+ Add'.
It will now be added to the overview in grey. Add as many as you like or need. Use the 'x button' behind the synonym to remove it. Click the 'trash can icon' on the right to remove the word in index and its synonyms altogether.