With filter rules, your filters can be matched based on the choices your visitors make. Whenever you’re using specific filters that aren’t relevant to every product or category, you can use Filter Rules to trigger filters based on filters. The use of filter rules will make it easier for your customers to find the right product fast.
Make sure you add the filters you need in the Filters module first. For filters you don’t want to show by default, but only when they are triggered by a filter rule, make sure to disable them. Then you can go on and configure your Filter Rules.
Determine the way of running your rules (run all matching rules or stop after the first matched rule based on the sort-order). If you want to use multiple filter rules that could be shown at the same time in the frontend interface, you should have “match all filter rules” enabled. If you have it disabled, it will only show the first filter rule based on the sorting of your filters.
Adding new filter rules
Add a new filter rule by clicking on the yellow '+ Add new rule' button. Use the pencil icon button to edit an existing rule and the trash can icon to remove a rule.
Name | When adding a new rule, type in a name first. Just pick your own descriptive name, for example ‘Compact camera filters’. |
Filter conditions | Select the filter and name the value on what selection your filter should be shown. For example filter ‘Category’ and value ‘Compact cameras’. Keep adding filters until you’re done. |
Filter to be displayed | Select the filters to display or not to display based on the conditions. For example filter ‘Subcategory’ and value ’Include’ or ‘Exclude’. |